Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ines - Sweet little girl


 This is Ines! A sweet little 2-year old half spanish/half danish kid I used to take care of, when I was working 10 months in day care/day nursery in Aarhus. She used to fill her mouth up with sand, and I'd attempt to tell her it wasn't the greatest to eat.


I've realized something about my paintings as of recently. A good friend of mine, Morten Lund, recently pointed out to me that there was one particular picture he'd always look at, when I'm my room - and it would be the one with the most captivating story. That led me to reconsidering my approach when making artwork - very often I just do doodles, studies or things that eventually and randomly become finished paintings - but with very little backstory or idea.

So, returning back to what Peter Chan taught me in my first year of TAW, creating emotional and powerful artworks will be my new pursuit. And I feel like I've got quite a good bunch of ideas up my sleeve that needs visualization.

And sincerely thank you, dear reader, for following my progress here on this blog.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Project Cream Lake


A personal victory has been achieved...I finally completed my self-study! 

It's been an ongoing challenge for me since end-February to complete this self-study project, for several reasons. I realised how difficult it was to put together a story, I realised how a styleguide is great but can also make one feel creatively locked down and I realised that sometimes one just gotta get something done, because it's never going to be perfect. Rather finish up the deal and the goal I set for myself, than give up halfway.

- Last note: I can recommend THIS soundtrack while viewing the art



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Color sketches

Some color-sketches. There's quite a few of these I could easily imagine be taken further and turned into more final pieces. Perhaps I will?


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer course-paintings

This summerholiday I was on a painting-course at Kunsthøjskolen Holbæk together with my sister, Emilie Bach (check out her stuff too) and my mother, Christel Bach.
I had the pleasure of having the painter Jesper Palm as my teacher, and it was all in all a really good experience. I've never painted as big before, as I did these weeks, and I felt like I got a good taste of what traditional acrylic painting can offer and be like. Anyways, to the paintings themselves:

"Last Snow" - 120 x 93 cm - acrylic

This one was really fun to create because I would just slash big strokes of measurement in the beginning and establish the forms, designing them - hence adding more and more before arriving at the final piece. However, I struggled with the "redness" in the picture grabbing a lot of attention in the background, especially in the distance. You see from my proces-pictures just below how I introduced a lot of warm brown and red in my picture quite early - hence eliminating and downtoning a lot of it in the final.

"Escaping Her Drawing" - 100 x 79 cm - Acrylic

I've always wondered how something would look if it was half a painting, half a drawing - as the final result, and not with the drawing just being a preliminary stage for the final painting to sit upon. So this is my interpretation of how that would look.


Last note: my paintings were photographed by Morten Lund - Big thanks!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013