Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Selfportrait digital - december 2011

Recently found a lovely oil-painting by David Palumbo on Gorilla Artfare, and decided it was time for me  to test out some digital selfportrait-painting out again. Im really fascinated by the painting strokes he achieves, and the sense of plane-shifting you can sense in the face.

So, my inspiration source here

My painting proces (roughly 3-4 hours):



Goache - first test

First little test with my new goache-set. Was awesome playing around with real brushes and new materials


Monday, December 26, 2011

Sketchbook comeback

Suddenly noticed I hadn't scanned any stuff for quite some time, so here comes a massive sketchbook/croquis update!

Also, got an awesome set of gouache-colors aswell as brushes and proper watercolour/goache paper, so next update will probably be something featuring that material!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Project 4550 coming to an end

So, Project 4550's coming to an end, and we're all looking forward for a welldeserved christmas and break from hectic assignments! I compiled my final images and turn-around into a little 30-second shortmovie.

See it here:


And merry christmas to every reader of my blog!


Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Malade" and painting reflections

In my recent painting I wished to try a few things, some of them succeeded, some didn't. First of all I wished to make a painting where the brushstrokes would vary, going from rough and grand to detailed and minor - this also meant overcoming my most common problem: Not being able to detail or finish something off. That part succeeded. Secondly I wished to carry some of the classical drawing-technique with varying pressure in the outline into it aswell - and also I had in mind to play with warm versus cold colors. That succeeded fairly well aswell. Finally I'd like to make a picture which would NOT depend on value-play, as in having a broad range from almost white tones to almost black tones (since I typically in my pictures attempt to get a broad range). I wished to see if I could make a picture which would function and be strong with very little value-difference - since I've seen other artists do such a thing with nice digital black/white portraits.

However, in the end, after having done all the painting proces and shined it up with some sharpening at several places, it still needed something - and I saw no other solution than playing around with Curves-adjustment layers aswell as Color Balance, and ended up with, in my opinion, a better picture - even the small-value-range goal failed. Better luck next time I suppose!

Reference picture ("malade" by MartaSyrko on deviantART) - and painting without curves & color-adjustments:

Final version:


Friday, December 9, 2011

Lacy - Pencil study

Pencil study of picture from deviantart - Model: Lacy, Seattle-model. Photographer: PensivenessPhotos on deviantart.
